
Here is a sample of my work. If you would like to read more, please visit Wordpress.

The Bug Man was my Sestina, a French verse form consisting of six stanzas of six lines each and a three-line envoy. Poetry Foundation - Sestina.

After I graduated, it was used as an example to teach new students about the form, who gave me the nickname 'The Bug Woman'!

The Bug Man

The man I married has an obsession.

I could cope with a normal fixation. My

friend has a thing for John Lennon, the Beatle.

If only it was like that with my husband.

just an ordinary fantasy person along with a

record collection, just like she has.

On the other hand my son has

a very different obsession.

He collects bugs and keeps them in a

large jar in the garden, much to my

daughter's disgust. With my husband's

help he once captured a rare blister beetle.

The bane of my life is a Volkswagen Beetle.

Over the past fourteen years he has

owned four of them, that husband

of mine. It's turned into such a big obsession

it consumes every day, every hour and even my

dreams. It would be such a

wonderful day to wake without a

part of his beloved Beetle

sitting next to the orange juice on my

breakfast table. Our life has

been a struggle with his obsession.

He almost became my ex husband.

Some days I think my husband

will send me a

tiny bit mad with his obsession.

I am haunted by Beetles

and my doctor has

prescribed tablets. Oh My!







Some things like my husband's

obsession will never change a

thing. Has anyone just seen that Beetle?

© Ruth Harvey Gasson 2007

What price can you put on Art?

(Written in dedication to Northampton's philistine of the year )

Should we cover up a models face?

Shroud a statue or cover a poem with a blank page?

Hide an old building with a huge tarpaulin,

Pay for advertising on someone's skin?

Turn the painting to face the wall.

Sell off the Crown Jewels to make up the governments shortfall?

Sell off the rare books held in the libraries,

cause no one reads anymore now we have pc's.

Will private collectors flock to our museums, loot the stock

and pay a handful of coppers to spend on, what?

To grit the roads or collect the bins

or lights the streets up in the evenings?

If donated treasures are sold off cheap

to be hidden away in a cupboard with the towels and sheets

where will it end and what would you say

to a world full of Art that no one can see?

© Ruth Harvey Gasson 2012

Poetry as Therapy

This poem was written after the death of my father in 2013.

He Died Today

The man who held me one handed in the air

The man who I could count on to always be there

The man who taught me the true meaning of love

And understood more about this life than anyone does

The man who held my hand and stroked my hair

The only one I knew would always care

The man who taught me right from wrong

The man I thought would never be gone

He was my mother, my father and my best friend

The only man who I could always depend

My teacher and guide, on this journey we all tread

To me and my family you will never be dead.

© Ruth Harvey Gasson 2013

Looking for Answers

It's been a tough year

loss and sadness my bitter perfume

Two weeks isn't long enough

to learn to read again, let alone love

The heat prickles my skin

covering it in kisses from angels

My head clouded like a heavy red wine

I dream of having longer to heal

Days of idle talk and soft caresses

holding fat babies and dancing at Apollo’s Temple

Nights on dark rooftops watching stars

which look upside down - like me

My mask slips as the days end

and I talk truths or jumbles

I wish I could stay longer...

© Ruth Harvey Gasson 2013